before booking the service please specify
Type of the project (residential/commercial/culture/...)
Scale of the project (retail/office building/urban planning/...)
Site of the project
Quantity of the images
Purpose of the images (competition/marketing/...)
Project timeline (Delivery of your data/Deadline of your project/...)
after booking
Please pack all necessary data into one package: the 3D model, link to the site location, preferred camera angles with descriptions, notes on materials and landscaping, and any lighting or moodboards.
Make sure that the provided model (Rhino, 3ds MAX, SketchUp) is well-organized in layers.



1. phase
The model and its details will be reviewed, specific materials will be assigned, preferred camera angles will be set. We suggest adjustments if necessary, and the scene will be basically arranged.
The images with basic elements of staffage and specific atmoshpere will be sent for approval.
2. phase
After the images and lighting are approved, the image is further refined with additional details, staging, and entourage based on the provided references. For this phase, comments on individual images are received and will be incorporated.
3. phase - final delivery
After this phase, slight changes can be made, primarily finalized during post-processing. All comments from the previous round are incorporated, and you will receive 4K high-quality images.